Is Bug Spray Safe For Pets?

Bug spray is safe for pets, but you must ensure it is formulated specifically for animals. Otherwise, it could be a pesticide. The market is full of different types of insect repellents. Here are some of them:

Dangers of insect repellents

Dogs are notorious for ingesting chemical-based repellents and are susceptible to the harmful effects of DEET, a toxic ingredient in most commercial bug sprays. Dogs can suffer from vomiting, staggering, and even seizures if they are exposed to DEET-based repellents. Fortunately, many natural and commercial formulas are available. Read the label to be sure your pet is safe from DEET.

Safer alternatives to bug sprays

There are many safer alternatives to bug sprays for pets that can be applied directly to your pet’s coat. If you are planning to take your pet outdoors, be sure to spray it every two hours. Make sure to avoid spraying your pet’s eyes and mouth, as these are sensitive areas. Unlike humans, pets are sensitive to the chemicals in bug sprays, so use pet safe insect repellents.

Dangers of DEET

Dogs may not be able to smell the bug spray, but it still attracts them. Unfortunately, overexposure to DEET based products can cause poisoning and toxicity. Dogs may lick off a bug spray product and swallow the resulting chemical, causing severe gastrointestinal distress. Luckily, there are other vet-approved insect deterrents available for dogs. Dogs can show signs of chemical toxicity, including excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty walking.

Citronella plants

You may be wondering, “Is pet friendly bug sprays?” Before you purchase an over-the-counter or garden-store spray, read the ingredients list carefully. Organic pesticides are safe to use around pets. But they are not 100% safe. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, tobacco, or even rosemary oil are natural, but that doesn’t mean they’re harmless. Essential oils are effective natural insect killers, but they should be used sparingly around pets.

Neem oil

While neem oil is generally considered safe for pets when used topically, it should be diluted with olive oil or coconut oil. Too much neem oil may irritate the skin of a cat or dog. In rare cases, accidental ingestion of neem oil may cause vomiting, diarrhea, or appetite loss. This natural insecticide may be especially dangerous for cats in poor health, as it can interfere with oral diabetic medication, thyroid hormone supplements, or insulin.