How to Pay Attention to Your Earwax Color

How to Pay Attention to Your Earwax Color

The color of earwax varies from person to person, and also can depend on how long it has been since you last cleaned your ears or if you’re prone to allergies, but the most common color is brown. It’s important to understand that ear wax can’t hurt you and is actually there for your own health so don’t worry about it!

When Should I Concern About My Earwax Color?

When Should I Concern About My Earwax Color

Although it will vary depending on your genetics, if you are producing excessive amounts of dark brown earwax, it may be a sign of an infection. In this case, you should talk to your doctor or visit a clinic immediately. Read this: for more information.

Different Colors and Textures of Earwax

Different Colors and Textures of Earwax

Most people have brown ear wax, but there are rare cases of blue or green ear wax. Some people’s ear wax change color over time. If you find that your earwax has changed color, you should go see a doctor to be checked out, it could be a sign of infection! Ear wax is there to act as a self-cleaning agent, so if you clean your ears obsessively with cotton swabs or other objects, the earwax will build up and turn yellow or brown. Do not ever put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear canal! If you’re curious more about your earwax color, here is a quick list that may help:

1. Yellow Ear Wax

Yellow is the most common color of earwax. This does not mean anything serious and there is no need to worry. However, it could be caused by an infection or if you use Q-tips to clean your ears.

2. Dark Brown Ear Wax

This color is also normal but could be a sign of dehydration or malnutrition. Your body might have lost some water being sick, having diarrhea, or even using certain drugs that dehydrate you. It’s nothing to worry about either way!

3. Black Ear Wax

If you notice black ear wax, it could be a sign of melanoma (a type of cancer that affects the cells that produce pigment). It’s important to go see a doctor if you notice this color.

4. Orange earwax

Earwax sometimes contains blood from where it has been scratched after digging too deep with a Q-tip. This is nothing to worry about and should clear up on its own.

5. Red ear wax

If your earwax is red, you might be more likely to develop some inner ear infections. The most common reason that earwax turns red is due to scratching after cleaning out the ears with Q-tips or other devices.

6. Green ear wax

If you notice your earwax is green, there are a couple of reasons this could be happening: First, it could be from some irritation due to an infection or foreign object in the ear canal. Second, you may have been exposed to high levels of copper, which can turn brownish-yellow earwax a greenish color.


Earwax is a natural substance that helps clean your ears of dirt, debris, and bacteria. It’s actually there for your own health! We hope this article has helped educate you on what earwax looks like and why it’s necessary to have some present in order to maintain good hearing – don’t forget about us next time you’re at the doctor!