Why do you need to wipe a USB Drive

Why do you need to wipe a USB Drive?

A USB stick is a common device that you can use to store thousands of files and photos. It is very easy to use the USB stick and quite portable for you to carry here and there and you can access the data anytime you want. Your USB stick has all the important data and files of your work and it is very important for you to keep it safe and secure.

But if you want to completely clear the data of USB stick on Windows 10 in a way that nobody can recover the data then it becomes important for you to find the effective and safe ways to clear the data.

Why do You Need to Wipe a USB Drive?

How to clear a usb stick on windows 10

There are lots of reasons to clear the USB stick on your window 10 as it can help to make some space in your device so that you can store new data. By clearing all data on your USB stick you can use the free space to restore new files. If the data or information is sensitive then you need to delete it permanently from your USB stick so that it does not get leaked. Whenever you are thinking to sell your USB stick, it becomes important for you to clear the USB stick and erase all the data in an effective manner. If you want to prevent the data and information in your USB stick then it becomes important for you to remove all the stored data on the USB stick and keep your data safe.

When it comes to clearing the data from the USB pen drive, then you have to choose to format the USB drive on the Windows 10 computer. It can help to delete the complete data on your USB drive and you can get your USB stick clean and clear.

How to clear a usb stick on windows 10?

In order to permanently clear the USB stick here are some methods that you can use in an effective manner:

Clear USB with Command Prompt

Using the command prompt is one of the most effective and most used ways to clear the data and information in a USB stick. You have to follow a simple and easy way to clear the data by using the command prompt. In order to get to know more about the ways to keep your USB stick safe and secure you can access to www.marketwatch.com/press-release/infinitikloud-review-your-secure-photo-usb-stick-2020-02-20 and able to resolve all your issues in an effective manner.

Use the Partition Manager

Use the Partition Manager

If you do not want to use the command prompt then you can also use the partition manager to delete the partition of the USB stick. If you are afraid of making wrong commands and damage then you can get the help of a professional for your work who does not take you much time to clear the USB stick. By visiting the site like www.marketwatch.com/press-release/infinitikloud-review-your-secure-photo-usb-stick-2020-02-20, it can help you to know how to delete all the partitions and data on your USB in an effective manner.